23 Mar Employee Spotlight – Mickey Fraasman
Get to know Charles “Mickey” Fraasman, Welder at the Metalworking Group for 11 years.
Q: “What do you do in your role?”
A: “I weld. I do everything from fabrication to MIG and TIG welding. I work with aluminum, steel, and stainless. I have had the opportunity to work with various metals and on lots of projects while at MWG ”
Q: “What is the best part of your job?”
A: “The people. The people at MWG are great. We have a good time but still get work done. I love to have fun and believe that if you can’t have fun, why do it? I always say, if you don’t love working, find something else to do that you do love. My brothers work for MWG and so it’s become a family affair here. Everyone feels like family here and is very supportive of one another.”
Q: “What is your favorite thing about working at MWG?”
A: “ I really like working with my hands – welding parts together and doing a variety of jobs is interesting to me. I take what I learn at MWG and apply it to work I do at home. I’ve learned a lot at MWG and now I do TIG welding at home in my spare time.”
Q: “What has been your favorite project so far?”
A: “I have enjoyed all of the projects. My favorite projects are the complicated ones because it makes me use my mind and creativity. Doing the same job over and over can be monotonous, so I like projects that I really have to think about to come up with solutions. At MWG, I’ve enjoyed the variety that the work brings. I’ve been welding for 20 years but I still learn new things every day. Everyone here likes to share info and help teach one another. I’m right where I want to be for a long time.”
Q: “What has been one of your proudest moments working at MWG?”
A: “I am proud when I hear from customers that they appreciate my work. Sometimes they send emails acknowledging the job I did and I print out the emails and hang them up. It makes me happy when they notice the detail in my work and that they are happy with it.”
Q: “What do you enjoy doing in your free time?”
A: “I’ve been married for over 20 years and my wife and I have four children. I spend a lot of time watching them play sports, especially softball, soccer and baseball. With a 12 year old, a 16 year old and two college students, I don’t have a lot of free time but when I do I spend time watching sports, fishing and doing side welding jobs.