Also known as Computer Numerical Control, CNC Machining allows a computer to manage tools movements from coded data. High tech stuff right? It is indeed, and it offers a wealth of benefits that directly affect the success of our business, and our customers. We’re sure you’re wondering, how is that?
As you would expect, the coded data for the machines is very specific. It allows our team of experts to make the necessary changes to the speed and feed rates to achieve certain features and finishes for all types of materials. Our 4-axis vertical CNC Machining Centers in particular don’t even require us to reposition the parts during its cycle! We also have a unique capability where we can run several machines at the same time. The result of all of this is an increase in output at a lower cost. To top things off, cycle times are reduced as well. With the Metalworking Group you’re going to get a top of the line product at the best price. From steel, to aluminum, to brass as well as various types of stainless steel, we can do this for almost any material you throw at us.
At The Metalworking Group, we get it. If you’re going to work with someone, will it improve your company? We’ve kept that in mind from the get go. If we’re leaving you with any questions, they may be answered here on our CNC Machining page. If not, we would be happy to answer your question! Contact us through the form or information listed on page here. We hope we can help your business reach its goals!